Most cuts and bruises on the upper lips happen from falls. The most typical lip injury is a tear of the skin attaching the upper lip to the gum. Cuts on the lower lip usually result from catching the lip between teeth during a fall, which can sometimes—but very rarely—completely penetrate the skin below the bottom lip.
Because of the number of blood vessels in the mouth and surrounding tissues, cuts to the mouth or cheeks can bleed heavily, but they are almost never life-threatening. Let’s look at how to stop bleeding in the mouth, how to stop tongue bleeding, what can lead to tongue injury from teeth penetration, how to treat broken tooth bleeding, and other pediatric dental emergencies.
Why Do Children Bleed From the Mouth?
Blood appearing in your child’s mouth can have many causes, such as an injury to your throat or mouth, diseases like gum disease, certain medications’ side effects, or even overzealous flossing and brushing.
When your child’s teeth are coming in, gums can get more sensitive. This may result in minimal bleeding or spotting. To clean those gums during this phase of teething, one suggestion would be to use a damp washcloth.
If your child experiences gum bleeding after brushing their teeth, there is generally no need for alarm. This could be caused by simple factors such as the type of toothbrush they’re using having bristles that are too stiff, which can irritate the gum line, or other benign factors. Although rigid bristled toothbrushes may seem more effective, they can damage gums and teeth, especially in young children. It’s much better to choose a brush with softer bristles for young kids.
It’s also important that your child doesn’t brush their teeth too hard. Too much pressure will lead to bleeding and damage sensitive gums. Proper dental hygiene habits are essential for kids to avoid gum damage, infection, and plaque buildup later in life. If your child is taking medication that causes inflammation or extra sensitivity in the gums, they may be more prone to bleeding. Bleeding gums can also be a sign of gum disease or a more serious medical condition. Plaque buildup on teeth is often the culprit for ongoing gum bleeding.
Be sure to speak with a doctor if your child continues to experience bleeding gums even with proper brushing habits. And be sure to inform your dentist of all the medication your child is taking at their next visit, as some anticoagulants may cause bleeding gums.
Broken Tooth Bleeding
Baby tooth bleeding after falls or accidents can occur the same as if they happen to permanent teeth. If your child experiences a broken tooth that is bleeding, use gauze or a washcloth to apply gentle pressure by pressing on the gum above the broken tooth. If bleeding is especially heavy and doesn’t subside after a few minutes, call your dentist for an emergency appointment. Excessive bleeding that won’t stop requires immediate medical attention, so don’t delay in seeking help.
Tongue Bleeding
Tongue injuries in children are common. Your child may bite their tongue while playing or as a result of a fall, seizure, car accident, or other injuries. A tongue cut or tear can bleed profusely, but small injuries frequently heal on their own. If the injury is long or deep, it may need stitches that dissolve over time, meaning a return visit won’t be necessary to have them taken out.
How to Stop Tongue Bleeding After an Accidental Tongue Bite
If you have a cut, hold a clean cloth to the area for at least five minutes. You can also put the cloth on ice before pressing it to the wound, which could reduce swelling and pain.
How to Heal After an Accidental Tongue Bite
If you have a cut, hold a clean cloth to the area for at least five minutes. You can also put the cloth on ice before pressing it to the wound, which could reduce swelling and pain.
How to Stop the Mouth From Bleeding
In most instances, the best practice for how to stop bleeding in the mouth is to press gauze or a clean piece of cloth onto the area to stop bleeding. If applying pressure doesn’t help, try biting down on a moistened tea bag for 10-15 minutes as an alternative method, as the tannins in tea have been shown to encourage clotting.
How Should You Care For Your Child’s Oral Health in an Emergency?
Below are some pediatric preventive care tips:
- It can be scary to see your baby’s mouth bleeding, but it’s important to remain calm, which will assist you in helping your child and deciding on the correct course of action.
- To stop bleeding, press a clean cloth against the wound for at least five minutes.
- If your child has an injury inside their mouth, rinse the area with cool water for several minutes to remove dirt or debris. Afterward, have them drink plenty of fluids and eat soft foods to stay hydrated and avoid irritating the injured site. Giving your child an ice cube to suck on will reduce the bleeding and swelling.
To avoid mouth injuries, follow these steps:
- Your child should never put hard, sharp, or pointed objects in their mouth.
- Sports such as football or hockey can lead to dental injuries, so have your child wear a mouthguard.
- Visit the dentist for advice about your child’s unique needs and for regular dental inspection to ensure that previous injuries are healing appropriately.
When Should You Call the Clinic?
If you or someone else is bleeding from the mouth and it doesn’t stop after 10 minutes, then please call our clinic to request an emergency appointment.
You should consult a pediatrician if your child experiences any of the following symptoms:
- The bleeding does not stop after 10 minutes of applying pressure.
- A cut is deep, longer than a half-inch, or has ragged, separated, or gaping edges.
- Your child has a large cut on his or her face or a puncture wound.
What Else Do You Need to Know?
How to Find a Children’s Dentist Near You
Treating and helping prevent injuries to the mouth that cause bleeding is all part of children’s family dentistry. If you are looking for a dentist specially trained to treat injuries in children, Champagne Pediatric Dentistry is here for you! Call us today for your first appointment.
Is It Normal for Baby Teeth to Bleed When They Fall Out?
When a baby’s tooth is lost, it is common to experience gum irritation and minor bleeding. To stop baby tooth bleeding, Apply sterile gauze pressure to the socket for a few minutes. This bleeding should be minor and superficial as long as you did not pull the tooth too soon.
If not treated properly, spitting blood can be fatal. If your child is bleeding from the mouth, it’s a result of accidentally biting down on the area. Solving small amounts of blood or tooth-related problems can be done by dental work procedures performed by a dentist; however, if you have severe symptoms, please contact a doctor without delay.